Assisting clients in the development of domestic and international satellite networks providing fixed, mobile, broadband, earth sensing and VSAT services.
Investigating market entry conditions in different regions of the world and assisting clients in obtaining domestic authorizations to provide satellite communications services either on their own or in partnership with local companies.
Providing assistance with International Telecommunications Union requirements for notification, coordination and dispute resolution for satellite networks.
Representing a major satellite system proponent on technical and regulatory issues at the 2015 World Radio Conference and the full range of national, regional and international regulatory meetings leading up the Conference.
Negotiating contracts with satellite manufacturers, network equipment suppliers, content providers and satellite operators for satellite service implementation.
Advising on standards and regulations governing satellite equipment homologation and type approval in various countries.
Negotiating with foreign telecommunications regulators regarding requirements for market access in content delivery, maritime and aeronautical markets.
Assisting a major provider of satellite maritime services in drafting joint venture, distribution and service agreements to facilitate global service implementation.
Representing aeronautical satellite service providers in preparing joint venture and service arrangements to facilitate service implementation in Turkey.
Representing aeronautical and maritime satellite service providers, as well as traditional telecommunications providers, in preparing joint venture and service arrangements to facilitate service implementation in Russia.
Representing a major aviation company in obtaining blanket licenses in Japan for the operation of satellite earth stations on commercial aircraft.
Assisting a major aviation company in obtaining FCC approval for operation of newly developed equipment for airborne use.
Advising satellite clients on compliance with US and foreign lawful interception standards and regulations.